Mom is overjoyed when her two-month-old says, “I love you,”


Ecstatic Mom Captures Heartwarming Moment as 8-Week-Old Says “I Love You”

In a touching video, a dedicated mother is delighted to hear her 8-week-old baby utter the words “I love you.” Witnessing a child say their first words is an incredible moment for any parent.


By the age of six months, most infants can produce sounds resembling their parents’ names or express desires for objects like toys or bottles of milk. However, deciphering these words can be challenging, given the wide range of noises and sounds newborns can make, including cries that signify various needs.

While opinions on this matter may vary among viewers, the mother considered herself fortunate to experience such a lovely moment with her child. Actively engaging with your child, providing encouragement, and having conversations while maintaining eye contact contribute to the intellectual development of their speaking and listening skills. Hence, incorporating regular communication with your child into your daily routine, even amidst other household duties, proves beneficial.
