Rescued Pup, Rex, finds the ideal supportive siblings to ease his anxiety


A few months back, a Reddit user shared a touching video featuring two of their dogs comforting their anxious sibling. In the clip, a small Shih Tzu named Huxley and a white, deaf dog named Winnie are seen caring for their older brother, Rex, a mix of English and French Mastiff.

Rex’s struggles with anxiety stem from a tumultuous past marked by abuse and mistreatment from multiple owners. According to a study by the University of Helsinki, dogs, especially those subjected to abuse during their upbringing, are prone to exhibiting anxiety-like behaviors.


Rex’s journey is a testament to resilience. Adopted by his current owner at 1.5 years old, he had endured abuse and mistreatment from previous owners, including physical punishment and the use of shock collars. This traumatic past left him with deep-seated fears of loud noises, brooms, and other triggers.

Despite the challenges, Rex’s current owner has dedicated the last 2.5 years to his rehabilitation. While he still grapples with anxious tendencies, Rex has made significant progress. He now enjoys the company of his dog and human siblings, a marked improvement from his earlier struggles.

Reflecting on Rex’s journey, his owner emphasizes the mutual support they’ve provided each other. As Rex’s anxiety once led him to avoid fearful situations, he now faces them with growing confidence, a testament to the healing power of patience and understanding.
