Andrea Bocelli dressed in a crisp white suit, awaits a special guest on stage. Suddenly, Celine Dion appears in a sparkling silver dress. Together, they deliver a history rendition of “The Prayer,” now the most-watched version with over 198 million views. Watch video in comments below


Celine Dion and renowned Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli delivered an unforgettable live performance of their iconic duet, “The Prayer,” in Central Park, New York. Their incredible vocals and deep emotional connection on stage left the audience spellbound, turning the evening into a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Shortly after this moving performance, the world was shaken by the passing of Hollywood legend Elizabeth Taylor. In a touching tribute, Bocelli dedicated the performance to her memory, a gesture that resonated with fans worldwide. The heartfelt tribute soon went viral, amassing over 199 million views on YouTube and solidifying it as one of Bocelli’s most viewed performances.



David Foster, one of the masterminds behind “The Prayer,” brought a lighthearted moment to the occasion, playfully teasing Bocelli’s limited English. Foster humorously remarked, “Andrea and Elizabeth Taylor shared a special connection—though not a romantic one,” which drew laughter from the audience. He went on to explain that Taylor had always held Bocelli in the highest regard, making the dedication that evening all the more poignant.

Over the years, Dion has performed “The Prayer” with various esteemed artists, including a memorable rendition with Josh Groban in Los Angeles. Groban’s history with the song dates back to 1998 when, at just 17, he filled in for Bocelli during a Grammy rehearsal. His outstanding performance with Dion marked the beginning of his enduring relationship with the song and his collaboration with Foster.

While Foster often praises Bocelli’s voice as “the most beautiful in the world,” Groban’s version of the song has also earned widespread acclaim for its emotional intensity and stunning vocal delivery.

Elizabeth Taylor had a unique bond with Bocelli and “The Prayer,” being an ardent fan of his music. Even in her later years, she made it a point to attend his concerts, including a notable appearance at the Hollywood Bowl at age 77, despite needing a wheelchair. Since its release in 1999, Taylor had been a passionate advocate for “The Prayer,” even reaching out to columnist Liz Smith to call it “magnificent” and worthy of an Oscar.

Although the song didn’t win an Academy Award, it was nominated for both a Grammy and an Oscar, and went on to win a Golden Globe. It achieved success on the US Classical chart, and though it initially didn’t break into the Billboard Hot 100, a later performance by Dion and Groban saw the song climb to #70, reigniting its popularity.
