This song by the young girl angers Simon Cowell and stops him from continuing… and then he stands up and asks…


As the girl takes the stage, an atmosphere of anticipation mixed with skepticism is palpable. After all, facing the scrutiny of judges like Simon Cowell can be an intimidating prospect, even for the most experienced artists. Yet, as soon as she opens her mouth to sing, it becomes clear that this is no ordinary audition.

Each note unveils an emotional depth that transcends her age. Her song is a raw and honest expression of pain and desire, delivered with a sincerity that resonates with everyone in the room.


As the performance unfolds, the tension builds, and even Simon Cowell finds himself unable to look away.

The intensity of her performance escalates, capturing the entire room. Simon Cowell, known for his critical acumen, shifts uncomfortably in his seat, visibly affected by the young girl’s powerful expression. The raw emotion in her voice and the vulnerability of her delivery strike a chord, not just with the judges, but with everyone witnessing this moment.

As the final notes linger in the air, a stunned silence fills the auditorium. Then, breaking the silence, Simon Cowell rises from his chair. His usual composure replaced by a rare show of emotion, he starts to applaud fervently, signaling his deep respect and awe for the performance.

Moved beyond his usual critical demeanor, he requests an encore, a testament to the extraordinary impact of the young girl’s performance. It’s a moment of validation and surprise, leaving the audience and fellow judges in anticipation of what she will deliver next.
